Note: This is only theoretical, it's some of what I deduced up till now, I'm still working around this issue myself:
If one were to sums up all of their troubles in one expression, they much likely would be expressing it as such:
"The unidentifiable non solvable complex and wicked problem"
This problem has no definition because it's unidentifiable
This problem has no solution because nobody can ever solve it
This problem is complex because it is not simple
This problem is wicked because it's evil and because it's a problem
This problem and similar problems may indeed seem impossible to solve for many at first
In order to solve this problem and such:
One has first to realize that this is not true and that even this class of impossible problems can be solved
Because the same description of the problem somehow defies the set rule of non identifiability
If indeed one of the main rules that defines the problem was indeed broken
Then there's still some hope left into breaking the others as well
If all the rules were to disappear at once then the problem shall no longer exist
The first definition of the problem seem true only because not enough effort was delivered into going around the set rules
A better identification of this class of problems would be one such as:
"The identifiable solvable multi-aspect great challenge"
- If the problem is unidentifiable, then you cannot know that's it's a problem. It would just be what it is, status quo, truth, reality. A thing is just a thing, to make something more than what it is, is to change that thing from what it really is.
- If the problem has no solution because no one can solve it, at least there is fundamental understanding that we don't understand it. It might not be solved now, but with more information and experience, we can re-evaluate and be able to look at the problem in a different way to understand it better, at first coming with a solution that works for now, then eventually a solution that works best.
- If the problem is complex because it is not simple, it could still be easy. The easiness or hardness of a problem is not necessarily related to it's complexity, but our understanding of what makes it complex or simple. Facing complexities is what makes us learn.
- To say a problem is wicked because it is evil, is to force judgement on a thing that cannot be judged. The very act of calling something a problem forces an implication that there is a solution. Good and evil do not have solutions, so forcing the perspective of good and evil onto a problem would make it unsolvable because that problem then no longer exists as a problem thus, no solution.
So the "Unidentifiable non-solvable complex and wicked problem" could also be called the "Reality we don't fully understand, but that which we can observe and learn from"
Thank you for your feed back.
What I meant here by the word unidentifiable is this:
The problem can still be identified as a problem from a smaller perspective because its effects are known or experienced but the smaller perspective is still unable to see the big picture and thus the problem or challenge is still unseen as a whole. So this way it can be both identifiable and unidentifiable. But the truth is that the problem is no problem at all as seen by an experienced self that knows most if not all of that which shall be known....