Why would god give man a penis, give woman a pussy, make pussy perfectly fit for penis, then forbid them from engaging in mutual love that is also pleasureable? Do you see any reason to this?
I'm not really an artist. I find it hard to make art. So I Fake ART, and I FART. I guess I'm a Fartist.
Age 33, Male
The World
Like I know
Joined on 12/10/09
At least I made someone laugh tonight, well enjoy yourselves kittens, somehow i know that even god cannot match up with my clever genius XD
Certainly an absurd thing such as life is isn’t it?
It's all fake... Another elaborate scam...
cuz of STDs
it's also probably because you confirmed it :P
Please stand by and check my next fake news post cauz there's more free stuff for everyone...
@Oh-Sama But of course!
i mean you've got a point..............................................................
Puppets cannot ask similar questions... Puppets fear their masters...
Give God a break he can’t think of everything!
Forbidden by who? :) Our design may be godly but most of our restrictions seem self-imposed IMO. Created for control more than actual mutual benefit.
It's for population management.
If left to our own devices, we would breed and use up resources until this planet was just another lifeless rock, floating around the sun.
Just grab her by the pussy bro
@Oh-Sama you learn from HARD experience.
Sorry god, but I disagree, you are fired as well >:(