This is TERRIBLE...
You get 5 stars. Definitely, that's what is terrible :P
This is TERRIBLE...
You get 5 stars. Definitely, that's what is terrible :P
My best score is 1178000. Nice game dude.
But you need to focus on keeping the player on top of the balls because when you step on one of them, the player goes under it, as if it was floating in the air not standing on the ground. It only depends on you, if you want to make the game looks realistic, so you need to change the depth of the instances. You can group the balls inside one movie clip and then you keep the player's depth greater than the depth of that movie clip. But in general your game is funny the way it is, and the artwork is AWESOME. Finally I like the way how many instances you add to the stage the game engine keeps the smoothness of motions and doesn't break down :D
Great game only one thing was annoying, it's when you click on the roof at the top edge and you press a button instead.
I've beaten the easy mode in less than one minute but the hard mode would take all my life :D but I didn't go through so much because I was in a hurry nice game dude :D
Besides the many bugs that I have encountered during game play looks very promising you should enhance it and you really have to work more and more on Flash sorry for being to rude but that's a truth to tell there's lots of bad news and some good news.
For the bad news: As far as I noticed this game is based on buttons, everything you can interact with is basically a flash button. You progress through the game by clicking on the right stuff at the right moment but the game doesn't consider making wrong decisions during game play, once you make one you find yourself stuck and the game doesn't respond anymore, there's no way to recover and you have to restart. Also when you unlock the weapon and it says "You had a choice" or whatever and you have to click on that, the mouse cursor start blinking and you can't click on it. Though it's not hard but I say it's IMPOSSIBLE to get over that checkpoint. As far as I can see, it's a mistake among many flash games makers when they design flash buttons. They forget to add an area for where the user can click on the button. When designing a flash button go for the frame labeled "hit" and define the hit area with the rectangle tool. Now it should be fine and you don't get a blinking mouse cursor as you don't go out of the text borders.
Next is when you turn off the lights, it turns back on itself. Unless this is a part of the game because I was wondering if it's related to the game title "Shooting in the dark" maybe I don't have a clue right now.
For the good news:
The game is somehow realistic and that's a good point about it.
I love the pixelart that was really awesome and your style is kinda original and funny too.
I really enjoyed the game, I played half an hour then I gave up but I've really wished to complete it. Looking forward to see a better release :D
Nice game but I think you should hide the mouse arrow, shouldn't you?
If you're using AS2 place this in your first frame
onEnterFrame = function() {
trace("I won't repeat such silly mistakes again"); //Well this line is optional :D
Then test it and it should be gone ;)
Yeah, I won then kept listening to the music theme.
Simple but challenging and level design was good.
But what really makes it awesome is the music loop, best fit.
Looking forward to see more of your work sir... ehm!
What's your name again
New Name
Ah now I remember you're monkeywantbananas that's sounds too Darwinian.
You're a boy??
I'm not really an artist. I find it hard to make art. So I Fake ART, and I FART. I guess I'm a Fartist.
Age 33, Male
The World
Like I know
Joined on 12/10/09